Event Calendar

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 4 - The engine is out of the Kawi

The alternator cover is off. Time to disconnect all the electrical.

Those long lines run to the front and the starter.

This bundle needs to be disconnected, but most of the plugs are distinct in color and shape.
I disconnected these, but it was not necessary so I put them back.
You can see the cavity where the clutch slave cylinder goes. That dumped some oil out when I left it hanging.

This coolant hose to the rear cylinder is a bear.
 Disconnect the engine ground. This is the cable to the battery negative.

Next I removed the lower front bracket with one of the regulator/rectifiers. The lift is already supporting the motor.

Remove the right-hand side frame with the floor board. The electrical to the brake cylinder needs to be disconnected.
Start disconnecting the mounts.

 Disconnecting the engine from the shaft. This was a slight pain. I had to spin the back wheel until I found the lockpin. The I had to slide the engine off the connection, which I ended up using a large screwdriver at the connection to wiggle the joint apart.

I missed a couple vacuum connections.

 Disconnect the choke and throttle cables. Remove the brackets around the throttle body. I am not sure that was necessary just to get the engine out.


Oooops. This tie wrap is keeping the motor from pulling away. ( That and the oil filter, since I was so smart not draining the oil until the oil filter ended up being in the way. I finally wiggle the motor out.)

This took me about 3 hours to do. Quite a learning curve.

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